2.19 What are textview.mcc and textinput.mcc? They are both MUI custom classes used to open up windows and string gadgets in Voyager. Older versions of Voyager (pre-2.88) used Textview.mcc, by E. F. Pritchard. Due to some confusion over versions of textview.mcc (and some known bugs), Oliver Wagner wrote Textinput.mcc, which replaces Textview.mcc. To use Voyager, you must have the proper MUI custom class installed in your LIBS:MUI/ directory. If you've installed a new version of Voyager (after 2.88), you can remove Textview.mcc UNLESS you have other programs which rely on it. This is a general warning: DO NOT DELETE ANYTHING FROM THE LIBS:MUI/ DIRECTORY! If you want to get rid of something, **MOVE** it elsewhere. If your system behaves as expected with the MUI custom class gone, it is reasonable to assume nothing you are running requires that class anymore. But you should only do this if you *KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING*.